
Out-Right Namibia

Out-Right Namibia (ORN) is the leading Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTI) human rights organisation in Namibia established by member mandate that aims to be a united movement of sexual and gender diverse people. Our existence is aimed towards the attainment of legal and social justice in a free, safe and healthy environment, whilst working diligently towards the attainment of the full constitutional equality and equity of sexual, gender and sex diverse people in Namibia. To learn more about what we do or to contact us, click here

Wings To Transcend Namibia

Wings To Transcend-Namibia (WTTN)is a non-governmental organisation that Advocates and lobbies for equity and inclusion of Transgender people in Namibia. To learn more about what we do or to contact us, click here

Rights not Rescue Trust of Namibia

SAfAIDS has an over 25 year footprint of operations across the SADC Region. We contribute towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),and human and social development in the SADC region. This is done by advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), through promoting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), and Resilience building.

We are fully cognisant that SRH outcomes can no longer be sustained in isolation, without simultaneously advancing GESI and empowerment for Resilience. We recognise that sustaining good health outcomes can only be done through a Universal Health Coverage lens, which is integrated with other development issues(climate action, access to education and WASH, alleviating poverty and hunger).

We firmly believe No-one should be Left Behind and in Saving Lives. This means prioritising populations defined as vulnerable, marginalised, hard-to-penetrate or motivate, key or at-risk; divided by trait and identity; across community, institutional, policy-making and leadership levels. This also means cultivating an internal organisational culture that upholds its values and principles; and delivers efficiently, ethically and innovatively. To learn more about what we do or to contact us, click here